Farm Appliances in a sheep and Goat farm
- The rectangular and hexagonal feeder has been developed with provision of feeding green roughages, straws as well as concentrates.
- The contamination of feed with faeces and urine is prevented.
- It has been possible to drastically reduce the wastage of all types of feed with use of these feeders.
- Feed racks can be used for this purpose, which can also minimize the feed wastage also.
Water troughs
- Water troughs of 3-4cm in length per goat, when raised in groups are sufficient.
- The water tanks or troughs should be covered and require regular cleaning to prevent contaminated water.
- Water tanks with flat valves may be suitable for large-scale intensive goat production.
Chaff cutter
- There are different types of chaff cutters available for cut the grass fodders.
- Hand operated and electrically operated are the two common types commercially available.
- Electrically operated chaff cutters vary in their voltage capacity and work capacity.
- They cut the fodders into small pieces and increase the feed intake by the animal and reduce the wastages.
- By cutting the fodders, the full stem part utilized as feed.
Ear Tags with applicator
- These are the instruments used to making the identification of animals.
- Tags are mostly applied in the ear so that it can easy to apply and to identify the sheep and goats.
- Tag is the small piece of plastic, numbered in it and is available in different models.
Burdizzo castrator
- This is the instrument used to make the animal sterile.
- By using this, 3-4 months old kids/lambs can be castrated.